Around the world people are working to protect their rights
to health, including the right to a good supply of safe water. In Nigeria,
private companies say they can provide better service than Government and still
make profit. But when private companies takes control of water services, I mean water privatization , prices often go
up, forcing people to use less water than they need for good health. It is this
that makes people collects water wherever they can, in as much as it is at no
cost, even if the water is contaminated with germs or toxic chemicals. They
really don’t care.
Tap water provided by Government is not rushing and when it
rushes, it is with particles and with odour often times. They say the water is
clean but I know it is not safe. You
see, when people begin not to trust water from taps, those who can afford turn
and buy packaged – table water or bottled water. But just because water in
packaged in polythene leather or bottled does not mean it is safe. In short, in
many cases this packaged or bottled water is just tap water in a bottle, but
sold at a much higher price. Those packaged in polythene are referred as “Pure water” in common parlance and are
often with impurities. Because of chemical reaction between the polythene and
water including its exposure to sunlight, a lot of health damages is done when
Companies sell bottled water because it is very profitable.
They often advertise their water products in way and banner that people think
that water from tap is not healthy or good enough. That packaged or bottled
bottle is cleaner. But safe healthy
piped water systems are one of the most important ways to improve health for
everyone. In Europe and North America for instance; where safe water systems
are the very foundation of public health, is what I envy. I find it difficult to understand why we
suffer from lack of water in Africa. Water is everywhere in my village but
there is no safe water to drink any where. Water to drink is just too expensive
to buy and drink satisfactorily. Yet they say water is life.
Having enough clean water is not just enough but safe. Safe water to live a healthy life is human
rights. Protecting and fulfilling people’s rights to water in my view, could be
achievable when publicly managed or community controlled water systems are put
in place in Africa. Governments and communities begins to work together to improve and extend water
systems so they can provide safe and sufficient supply of water, especially for
those of us most in need. Think water,
think life. Make safe water available to poor and vulnerable if you can.
#unicef #waterandsanitation #wash
#unicef #waterandsanitation #wash