There are many reasons why we may fail and will continue to
fail in the fight against insurgency in Nigeria and the Lake Chad region as it
seems. Lack of coordination between the military and the police are just one
part; another is mismanagement of information by the security. Almost when it
seems like the war is over; you will suddenly realize that such news is only a
painted picture of information from the security. Immediately in a
characterized mode, will either be breaking news of unstoppable sporadic
suicide attacks and bombing by the insurgents whom the military claimed have
been completely wiped out. And the cycle goes on and on till then.

How many times have we not be told that insurgent in the
North East of Nigeria has been wiped out? So many times I can recall. The wrong
idea is, when it seems like the insurgent group is defeated at Sambisa forest,
we assumed that the war is over. And that is where and how we fail. The war is
actually not in sambisa forest but more in the minds of people living in our
communities every day. It is not only a war that would be won by guns alone if
you don’t know. This hard way approach of militarization used within the Lake
Chad Region will not solve this issue, rather continue to escalate and spread, winning
sympathy and empathy for new recruitment into extremist group. I wonder why we
are yet to explore fully the soft ware approach of citizen engagement. That can
solve the problem more than guns.
Why are they
Do you remember the abduction of 275 Chibok girls? If you
do, another abduction of 110 schools girls in Dapchi in Yobe State, Nigeria just
happened again days back. And I tell you truth, others may still happen if we
continue the way we are doing. Surprisingly, two most pronounced abduction on
record by the insurgents in the North-East of Nigeria for instance, happened in a
broad day light, where community members watched helplessly as these school
girls are loaded into trucks and driven away. My fear is that very soon; girls
in the region will refused going to school out of fear of being abducted and I
bet you to mark my lips. And by that time we will be in messier situation.
Remember that the North East Region of Nigeria is where girl child education is
at ebb from immemorial. I tell you we are in for it.
But I have drawn a map of the two abduction incidents of
Chibok and Dapchi school girls as mention and came up with some similarities
when the insurgent stroke. I only realized that on the two occasions, the
insurgent stroke on the very day the military were withdrawn from vulnerable
communities. In this case, I am tempted
to suspect if there is no leakage of security information to the group. And if
that is the case, we are but playing the ostrich.
Getting to know that security is everybody’s business was
something I never thought of. How
citizens can actively involved in security of their communities. I am imagining
how citizens will always watch the scene of abduction of these school girls helplessly.
I am imagining why we will wait for insurgent to strike before we cover up. I then
noticed that whenever school girls are abducted, we start running around the
group in pro and anti- dialogue style in attempt to rescue the girls.
What beat my imagination is how the insurgents have used the
same tactics for abduction successfully for the Chibok girls and again, with the Dapchi girls.
And they will use it again because we have refused to learn. First at Chibok , 275
girls were whisked away, and now it is at Dapchi with over 110 school girls
carted into truck like sardine even as citizens watch the scene helplessly.
Till then, we feel it is not time to put in place programs that would build these
vulnerable communities on resilience, or create safe escapes routes in future
for girls at schools. Rather, we are waiting for another abduction to happen so
we can begin to cry foul like this and play the ostrich as usual.
It’s not girls against
the world?
Take a look at how boys and girls especially in the
North-East of Nigeria are facing brutality arising from the mismanaged conflict
of insurgency. My heart bleeds when I see confrontation
of children, whom are recruited into armed violent groups to fight with security forces. Such
confrontation has resulted in at least 3,900 children being killed and 7,300
more maimed. It is disheartening to see children failing as either victims of
attacks or they are used to perpetrate the attacks. The end result of it all is
death and nothing less.
Can you imagine that children as young as four years are
recruited to join armed violent groups in Nigeria? And it doesn’t end there, even
the security forces are also not exempted from recruiting and using children to
role-play militarized information gathering as informants. The Civilian Joint
Task Force aka CJTF is another, they also recruits children too for related
intelligence purpose and these children are used in most security posts as
mounting guards. It is on record that at military detention centers as at 2016
in Nigeria, more than 1,100 children were detained and reprieved of liberty for
reason you will find difficult to explain. But prime about it was simply
because, these children’s parents are/were
traceable to insurgent group -Boko Haram. That is just how these children pay price
for their parents.
So I asked if that was the crime those children committed to
deserve detention? Up till now I couldn’t get an answer. But to be prĂ©cised, 68
boys between 12-17 years were detained since September 2015 for reason(s) I
mentioned earlier. However, as at December 2016, 1,058 children were released.
Beginning from 2014, children especially girls were seen in
the front row of so called “suicide attacks” in Nigeria. That started after the
abduction of the chibok school girls. Something before now was un-think of in
Nigeria but now here we are. Have you ever wondered who those suicide bomber
girls are? To clear your doubt, last night I dreamt they are schools girls
abducted by insurgent group. And immediately I woke up I felt feverish and I am
suspecting malaria. Still yet I can infer.
So far 90 girls can be verified used in suicide attacks in
Nigeria, Cameroun, Chad and Niger. These
girls are dressed beautifully as brides. Remote by manipulation and
radicalization against their wish, to move into densely populated locations; like
market square and worship centers to detonate explosives/bombs, killing self
alongside innocent unlucky targets. These kinds of brides though dressed beautiful,
yet are extremely destructive and deadly. They are what they are because they
went to school and were abducted with no help. They are abducted and recruited
to become tools of destruction of lives and properties throughout the Lake Chad
Region. These girls are innocent and who know who could be the next abducted
school girls?
My heart will always bleed
on this.
#Extremism #Abduction #Dapchi #Chibokgirls
#Extremism #Abduction #Dapchi #Chibokgirls
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