Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Volunteering, the new spirit

Every year in the United States for instance, millions of people donate their time, effort and money to help make their communities and their country a better place to live. But this aspect is missing greatly in Africa. I mean spirit of patriotism. And hasn’t helped Africa go far. If there must be a change, then there must be a new kind of spirit igniting from Africa to the world. Young people are crucial in playing this new role as future leaders, and can't afford to ignore it. I mean volunteering, the new spirit.
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Volunteering is giving service above self. Volunteer works can bring real change, change  you can be part of, change you can feel it, change you can see with your own eyes. That you don’t need any politicians or security personnel or law enforcement to tell you things to do.  You can see it and feel it for yourself and know you are part of it….. There’s pride involved in this kind.  Because we are involved, we‘re part of community.

It is rather unfortunate that Africans rely on Government for everything from local police protection to national defense, from collecting household trash to ensuring clean water, electricity etc. But in all these among others, it is our shared responsibility for meeting community needs.  You may know that Government can not do everything nor respond timely to all our needs. That’s just the truth.
If I can remember in the word of John F. Kennedy “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country”. So I ask what has been your contribution to your community. Have you joined others in your community to give service? I mean mobilizing youths like you to clean gutters, help children to cross road to schools, help out in an emergency situation, teach children who can not afford education, create website to offer free information etc. You can save a soul by offering your time. Serve others without payment. That's is the new spirit.Image result for spirit of volunteerism pictures

Even though Africa has not been known as a continent with spirit of volunteerism, but is never too young to learn. So let the spirit begins now.

When Alexis de Tocqueville, a French political writer, visited America in 1830s, He was amazed to see citizens pitching in to solve community problems rather than relying on the Government. He explained it as “self interest highly understood”. And I concur.

 In other words, by binding together to serve our community, we also serve ourselves. By volunteering, we make our community better places to live,  gain new opportunities to learn, make friends, and improve our teamwork, leadership, and problem solving skills. It is satisfying to know that you can make a difference in someone else life. Keep on keeping on, because that’s the new spirit of African youths. Say it loud!

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